Performance and Finance Committee Assurance Report


Public Trust Board



Report Title:

Performance and Finance Committee Chair’s Report to Board

Agenda Item:


Committee Date


Meeting Chair:

Alison Wigg, Non-Executive Director (covering for Julie Thallon)

Meeting quorate






The Board is asked to receive assurance from the business discussed at the meeting and to review the matters for escalation and referral 

Link to Strategic Objective

Be an exceptional place to work, volunteer and learn


Provide outstanding quality of care and performance


Be excellent collaborators and innovators as system partners


Be an environmentally and financially sustainable organisation


Summary of Items Considered at the Meeting






Finance report

At M5, the Trust was reporting a surplus of £561k against a planned deficit position of £55k.
The Trust is on track to achieve the year end break-even position subject to the unknown variables associated with winter.
Possible surplus position and possible uses in the wider system or to address Trust historic deficit.

Awaiting further NHSE guidance on how any surplus could be used.



Improvement against QCIP targets this month. Good plans and progress against delivery.
There remained a high reliance on non-recurrent savings.

Additional analytics support would help to maximise the deliverables within the QCIP. This support would provide a centralised resource to prime for upcoming schemes. A proposal would report to the Executive Leadership Team.

Exec now think that 7m savings possible, but dependent on what happens over winter.

Shortfall in some programmes expected to be covered by vacancies.
Feeding lessons learned into business planning for 24/25.

The Committee acknowledged good progress. Risks to delivery remain but progress with directorate plans give some assurance; ongoing risk of reliance on non-recurrent savings to meet the gap in 23/24.
Assurance still needed around confidence that longer term transformational programmes will deliver.
Note the delivery of £2.93m against the planned £3.6m QCIP at M5.

Note activity underway to maximise delivery of the QCIP.

Moderate assurance for delivery.


Plans provide higher level.

Operational performance report and OPIP

Performance worse in M4 due to leave
Impact of vehicles off road and handover delays
Impact of handover delays in meal breaks, sickness and retention rates.

There had been positive progress to deliver the OPIP, an assessment was required to understand areas of challenge which would be supported by data analytics.

The performance in M4 is significantly better than a year ago but performance is likely to deteriorate from it’s M4 position over the winter period.

ACTION: Update operational performance report to reflect conveyance rates for each sector.

Internal – moderate

External – limited

Clinical Assessment Services Update

Overview of the clinical assessment service, which included access to the stack and the utilisation of unscheduled care hubs. Performance for hear and treat was below the commissioned target of 10% due to the effects of sickness/ absence rates.

Recruitment started for 96 clinicians that are required to support the clinical assessment service.

Need for better informatics to support delivery of this service.

ACTION: Consider business analytics and system requirements to support the delivery of improvements as part of the business planning process


PTS Update

Significant deficit against the contract. Model produced to show potential outcome if negotiations with ICSs are successful.

Asked to support the action plan identified to address the risks, retendering of the taxi service provision, and volunteer driver recruitment.

Approach to use of Taxis and possibility of centralising this function to control costs.
The new cohort of PTS fleet had been received poorly, representing both a cost and safety issue.

Committee welcomed the modelling had also been undertaken to map potential outcomes if risk share agreements and additional income from block reconciliation payments were realised.

Supported the approach to mitigate PTS over expenditure and enhance performance.

Supported the review of taxi usage


Integrated Transformation Programme Update

Transition from oversight from the transformation committee to the Transformation programme group and PAF.

Assurance levels and overview of the programme from TPG.

Transformation Programme Group should provide an overarching view of the assurance levels and areas of concern.

The DoCAP confirmed a quarterly deep dive was scheduled for the Transformation Programme Group, following which an overall assurance view would be provided.


Board Assurance Framework Assessment of the current risk status. ELT to review residual score of 20 for SR4 and consider whether this remains accurate given the sustainable improvements and financial position. Moderate


Matters for escalation or referral






Review residual score of 20 for SR4 and consider whether this remains accurate given the sustainable improvements and financial position.

Next Section: Charitable Funds Committee Assurance Report